Donate to Ohio Voice to fund and support BIPOC and working class organizations building progressive power in their communities.

The Challenge We Face...

There’s lots of money in politics in Ohio.

But very little goes to the groups making the biggest progressive impact.​

Traditional political campaigns spend half their money on advertising and end after election day.

Billions spent on political ads

Ad spending for each two-year election cycle by all U.S. political campaigns.
Figures for 2024 are projected. AdImpact

But who is focused on building long-term power?

Who is building popular support for pressing issues and paving the way for transforming policy?

Who is engaging voters year-round, building trust with real people beyond electoral cycles?

Ohio Voice Partners

Ohio Voice funds & supports organizations building progressive power in their communities. Particularly BIPOC and working class organizations.

Our approach impacts

elections today

and builds long-term

infrastructure for tomorrow.​

As a Movement Builder, your monthly donations:

Help our partners hire canvass teams to knock doors and make phone calls urging their neighbors to vote.

Provide tech, data, training, and strategic support to more than three dozen Ohio organizations on the frontlines of grassroots organizing.

Build a more just and equitable Ohio.

In 2023, Ohio was at the center of the nationwide fight for reproductive rights.

With groups like the Ohio Women’s Alliance leading the way, Ohio Voice partners contacted millions of Ohio voters in 2023 and secured a historic victory for reproductive freedom.

Ohio Voice provides funding, training, support

Ohio Voice partners knock doors, send texts, host community meetings

Millions of voters contacted